Violeta Juárez
Violeta Juárez is a Graphic Communication Designer from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and has a Masters in Visual Arts with a specialty in Engraving in Postgraduate Arts and Design FAD-UNAM, Academic stay and research at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Burin workshop at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Incursion in various workshops such as: free Artistic Screen Printing and Engraving workshops at Academia de San Carlos UNAM, Lithography workshop at La Ceiba Gráfica A.C., Veta Gráfica Workshop, Rhino Image Production and Graphics Workshop (TIR), and National Workshop of the University of the Arts of Aguascalientes.
Artwork from Motley Multiples is now available to collect below. Read the press release here.

Violeta Juárez

Violeta Juárez

Violeta Juárez